I travelled to Toronto this past weekend for a mini getaway (left the kids with grandma) and to see an art show I thought would be good to participate in maybe sometime in the future.
The weather was rainy and cold as we started off headed down the highway but what struck me more than the weather was the great landscape that was unfolding all around us.
Spring was definitely in the air seeing the buds just starting to grow on the trees, as was watching the bushes and grass waking up from their winter slumber.
The different hues of rich greens and ocre yellows only found in nature in the foreground and blending with the background filled with big grey clouds was quite a sight. Nothing could be more beautiful.
I love the beauty of the serene landscape. Probably the biggest reason I started painting in the first place. Just seeing all this natural beauty surrounding me gives me so much inspiration.
After I got back from my weekend, I knew I had to try and paint some of what I saw.
There is so much to see and get inspired by, you just have to learn to use what you see, in different ways and as other than they appear. As an artist what I find to be beautiful may not be for someone else as we all have our own ideas of what is or what we find beautiful.
If we don't already, we should start to look at nature's beauty, use it more in our work and appreciate it for what it gives back to us. Nothing can be more beautiful.
The weather was rainy and cold as we started off headed down the highway but what struck me more than the weather was the great landscape that was unfolding all around us.
The different hues of rich greens and ocre yellows only found in nature in the foreground and blending with the background filled with big grey clouds was quite a sight. Nothing could be more beautiful.

After I got back from my weekend, I knew I had to try and paint some of what I saw.
If we don't already, we should start to look at nature's beauty, use it more in our work and appreciate it for what it gives back to us. Nothing can be more beautiful.