So PEOPLE!!"The end is near!!" "Head for the hills!" "abandon ship!" "Sink or swim!""Revenge is mine!!"...Ooops,Ok. that last statement doesn't really go with the others, I sort of got carried away.
This is the final week to get everything done for the Toronto Artist Project which is on next week starting Wednesday till Sunday. I am still having second thoughts about which paintings to show/bring along. I guess I will wait till the last minute and then decide. Whatever happens, happens. It is difficult cause this first time means I don't really know what to expect, really no idea. I have invited everyone I know in Toronto, 3 people, yiasou Jimmara who are originally from Montreal. I also feel sort of silly asking people if they would like to come to the show. I was thinking of doing a daily update about the show and send some pics as well. Could be "The project within the project" so to speak. We shall see. I am not comfortable with the self -promoting stuff we sort of have to do. That is one thing I wish I could have somebody take care of and sort of let me think about my art.
How did the earlier artists handle these things? I know Damien Hurst had an accountant who absolutely loved his work and helped to make him famous. Maybe I will get my biggest fan, my mom to hit the road for me. I could just see it now,"Sell those abstracts mom or else!" I am kidding of course.
I also seem to be procastinating a little bit and sort of losing focus. I think its because I am thinking about everything that has to get done and it sort of gets overwhelming. I know I need to focus so, "Focus Demetrios focus!!" Yeah, that's the other thing, I spend a lot of time talking to myself, is that a good thing!?
Knowing myself though I am proud of what I have accomplished till now and believe everything will get done and I will have a great show.
Please feel free to contact me if you or a friend would like to attend the show. I have about ten tickets that have a value of $12.00 at the entrance. It would be my pleasure to let you have some for free.
P.S. I would also appreciate any comments about this blog or my artwork, good or bad.
Don't be shy!!!!
And to all my friends and family, thank you all for your support.