Sunday, March 14, 2010

Personal: Friends and 50th. Birthdays

It's Sunday early afternoon. Last night I went to my old friend's 50th. Birthday celebration. We hadn't seen each other for about ten years and it was great getting together with him and the old gang. It didn't take us long to get reacquainted. It took us about 10 seconds of trying to recognize each other as some of us got balder or fatter, but it was as if we'd never been apart. I guess with old friends, things are that way.
When you've know each other for so long and you've been through so much together, the feelings of closeness and love for each other never really go away. Sure we are closer to some friends than others and I wonder why we grew apart in the first place but I guess life happens and before you know it, you're running to the doctor for your kids or there's a function at school or any number of everyday issues that somehow seem more important. Friends do sometimes take a back seat to family, but for me they are and always will be my friends. At the end of the night, we vowed to get together at least once a month and keep in touch more often...hopefully it won't be in another ten years.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Toronto Artist Project

Just got back from Toronto a couple of hours ago. I was there for the Artist Project. It was an exhibition/show/art sale, put on for artists to showcase their work and hopefully sell some works as well. The art was great and I got a chance to meet many of the artists, exchanging ideas and just wanting to know about their art. Being an artist is something that few people can understand. Talking to the artists, one can get a sense of the struggle, hard work and dedication it takes everyday to do what they do and stay true to their work. I even got some good ideas that I want to try the moment I get to the studio. All in all they were a great sorce of inspiration to me and now I have to transfer my new found energy into my artwork and in my life as an artist.